⭐️ Do you know that English is the Official Language of Kenya?⭐️
🏆Do you have the following in mind?
🐾 Would you like to interact & communicate confidently?
🐾 I Would like to know what people around me are saying?
🐾 I don't want to feel left out in conversations
🐾 I would like to reach as many people as possible without language being a barrier
🌹🌹🌹 Teacher Marietta Can Help You🌹🌹🌹
🏆What can you learn from Teacher Marietta?
Listening, speaking, reading & writing skills
🎯 Vocabulary building
🎯 Sentence structure & grammar
🎯 Punctuation
🏆My Teaching Style
🍀Learning customised to your style and goals
🍀Reading & narrating stories, passages, poems
🍀Singing/listening to songs and rhymes
🍀Enacting stories
🍀Text analysis
🍀Writing for different audience
🍀Using words for different effects
🍀Imagination and creativity
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⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Course Rules ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
👉🏽Please be on time for the class. Maximum wait is 10 minutes.
👉🏽If for one reason or the other you are unable to attend a lesson,
inform the teacher or cancel it 12 hours before the scheduled time.
👉🏽In the case of no attendance, the class will be deemed completed.
🏆To make good progres
🌻maintain a regular lesson schedule; at least 1 lesson a week
🌻Complete your Homework before the next lesson
🌻Practise daily
🌈Don't hesitate to grab your time to book a trial class🌈