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2000 - 2006 Yaroslavl State university Russian philology and culture Has subido tu certificado con éxito
Modern course building: a practical module Has subido tu certificado con éxito
Fundamentals of the formation of soft skills in teaching project activities Has subido tu certificado con éxito
Basics for the formation of competencies of employees responsible for working with the media Has subido tu certificado con éxito
2000 - 2006
Yaroslavl State universityRussian philology and culture Has subido tu certificado con éxito
Modern course building: a practical module Has subido tu certificado con éxito
Fundamentals of the formation of soft skills in teaching project activities Has subido tu certificado con éxito
Basics for the formation of competencies of employees responsible for working with the media Has subido tu certificado con éxito