Story with Anna

Today is the first day of 2024, and it is a perfect time to review my progress for 2023. I began my learning journey with Anna at 10 Sep 2023, and the first chat was nice. I felt comfortable when talking with Anna. At first, I just want to practice my oral English, since I try to get into the foreign bank. However, what I have learnt from Anna is way more than that.

Actually, 2023 is hard for me, as I got pregnant on 2022. Then, I took a pregnancy leave for 4months and back to work at 2023. Things in both life and work changed a lot and I got lost, which made me have doubt on myself . Luckily, Anna noticed that and she pointed out. She taught me to be confidence and to have faith in myself, and she also gave me valuable opinions regarding my situation for my work. I took Anna’s advice and practiced them, the result is so satisfying! I could see progress in my work! At the same time, my oral English improved a lot. There was a day, when I have to meet with a client that’s from England. Everything just went seamlessly and smoothly, the words just came out naturally! That was the moment that I really got my confidence back – I could do it!

Thank you, Anna, for every lesson that you’ve taught me. You are my mentor and you are the light of my life! I definitely would recommend Anna to anyone who would like to improve themselves! Anna is the best teacher ever!


🏅️Entrenadora de negocios
142.966 ARS
/ 50 min
95.111 ARS
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españolC1 Intermedio Avanzado
🏅️Entrenadora de negocios
españolC1 Intermedio Avanzado
🎥 YouTube: Anna Chin | 📸 Insta: | 🏆 Entrenador de Negocios Internacionales | 👩‍💻 Estrategia empresarial y consultoría | 🔥 Amplia experiencia de negocios corporativos | 💪 Emprendedor | 🌈 Fluido en 6 idiomas | 🏅️ Negociación y habilidades para entrevistas | Más de 10 años de experiencia en coaching
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